
Friday, December 14, 2012

Fruit christmas tree

Today was Princess E's Christmas party at playgroup. I was feeling a little bit creative and made a fruit Christmas tree!
It very popular with both the children and the adults!
You start with an apple as the base and a carrot as the trunk then use half toothpicks to hold the fruit on the tree. I cut up the left over fruit and put it at the base of the tree. It was so popular that even the apple and carrot were eaten'

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Tomorrow is 31st October so that means its Halloween! So this week I was making Princess E's lunch when the ugly toad asked what I was doing and requested a Halloween lunch as well and to make sure he had a pumpkin shaped sandwich. So here is a combination of their lunch's.
Ghost sandwich, worms in dirt, ghost twisties, pumpkin sandwich, Oreo spider, mummy hot dogs, ghost marshmallow

Mummy Hot Dogs

Oreo Spider

Ghost Twisties

Ghost Sandwich

Pumpkin Sandwich

Ghost Marshmallows

Worms in Oreo Dirt

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Care Bears

Last week Princess E got a Care Bear DVD and all I have heard since is "me watch bears!" So we have watched it over and over and over again. But Care Bears are very cute and Princess E has also inherited my Birthday Care Bear from the 80's. So every time we watch Care Bears Princess E makes Birthday Care Bear watch it to. So this week Princess E is having a Care Bear lunch.
Bear Sandwiches, teddy bear biscuits, rainbow and cloud, strawberry hearts, star watermelon

Cheer Bear and Funshine Bear

Clouds and a Rainbow
Princess E with Birthday Bear

Funshine Bear Fruit and Jelly

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello Kitty

We LOVE Hello Kitty! Ok maybe I have brain washed Princess E in loving Hello Kitty but I Love Hello Kitty! I had the pleasure of going to a 3 story Hello Kitty shop while I was in Japan! All I can say is WOW! But how you can not love Hello Kitty? She is cute and furry and doesn't have a mouth? So to show our love for Hello Kitty this week Princess E is having a Hello Kitty lunch.

Wobble, Hello Kitty biscuits, yoghurt drops, Hello Kitty sandwiches

These are cute Hello Kitty sprinkle sandwiches that stand up!

Hello Kitty face made with wobble using my egg mould.

Very cute Hello Kitty biscuits covered in fairy glitter.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Flutter Flutter Butterflies

Received a cute a photo today from a friend with an idea for a butterfly lunch (See second photo). So Princess E is having a Flutter Flutter Butterfly lunch tomorrow.

Yoghurt drops in pink butterfly cup, strawberries and butterfly sandwiches
Butterfly snack bag filled with dried fruit salad and pretzel sticks

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Red Nose Day

This Friday 29th June is Red Nose Day. This year Red Nose Day is celebrating 25yrs! Princess E is having a red nose lunch and Princess Mummy is taking the left over bears to share with her work friends.

Red Nose Cherries, Red Nose Apple, Red Nose Sandwiches, Teddy Bear Biscuits with red nose mini m & m's and red jelly,
Left Over Teddies

If you want to donate to help a great cause head over to the Red Nose Day Web Site:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Toot Toot!

On Saturday we enjoyed an early mothers day trip to have a ride on a steam train. We made it a family day with Princess E's Nanna, Gran-nan, Poppa, Aunty, Uncle, Cousins and some close family friends as well as Mummy and Daddy.
We enjoyed a train ride then went to the park for a "Nic Nic" (Picnic) where we collected acorns and played in the leaves. After our lunch we went for a walk around the small town of Sheffield and looked at the murals. And we couldn't resist stopping in at the lolly shop! This week Princess E is having some train sandwiches driven by a happy teddy bear biscuit on a railway of chocolate wafer biscuits and marshmallow steam.

Train sandwich
Princess E and I on the train

One of the famous murals at Sheffield Tasmania

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Dental Appointment

Today was Princess E's first dentist appointment! We are lucky enough to know our dentist really well but it didn't help with getting Princess E to show the dentist her teeth. So after a ride in the chair and lots of crying she got some stickers and did a drawing while mummy talked to the dentist and the dental assistant. So today we thought we should have a toothy kinda lunch :)

Apple mouth, molar marshmallows, tooth fairy wands and a tooth 
sandwich holding a cheese tooth brush

Apple and marshmallow mouth

Marshmallow molar teeth

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Princess E!

This weekend we will celebrating Princess E's 2nd birthday! Wow where has the last 2 years gone?
She will be having a birthday lunch and taking Ice Cream Cone Cakes to share with her friends at childcare!

Balloons (grapes and dried noodles), Cupcake sandwich with pink butterflies, dried fruit, fruit loops and a present sandwich with ribbon.

Ice Cream Cone Cake

Inside of the rainbow ice cream cone cakes

I did learn a few lessons when making the ice cream cone cakes one being don't over fill them! Otherwise you have a big mess to clean up. But it was fun making them and I am sure the children will have fun eating them!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Bunnies

Its been about month since I have posted a lunch (been a bit sick).

But here is Princess E's Easter Bunny lunch. We are looking forward to a visit from the Easter Bunny :)

Nest of grape eggs, Bunny Rabbit tails (marshmallows) , Bunny shaped sandwich and bunny hotdogs. 

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Easter :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ladybug, ladybug fly away home..

Do you love ladybugs? We think they are very cute! Here is Princess E's ladybug lunch

Ladybug grapes, ladybug apple and ladybug sandwiches

Ladybug cupcake

Ladybug grapes

Did you if you find a ladybug with 7 spots it means its a fairy's pet? (well that's what my mum always told me)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Our frog we made.
This week Princess E has been hopping around like a frog. So after making a frog yesterday we decided to have a frog lunch and it just happens to fall on February 29th! A leap year!!!!!!

Frog sandwich (made with Lunch Punch Cutter), green mini marshmallows, frog stamped honey dew melon, apple and grape frog, lily pad kiwi fruit and a frog in a pond. 
Apple and Grape frog
Frog stamped honey dew melon

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Fairies have moved in

A couple of weeks ago I entered Princess E in to a competition to win a Lil Fairy Door and she was lucky enough to win! So her rainbow fairy door arrived and was put on her wall in the trunk of Russell's (the monkey) tree.

After a couple of days the fairies came to visit and left some little toadstool lights :)

And the fairies also left a fairy lunch for Princess E to take to day care.
Fruit fairy wand, pink fairy biscuits, toadstool, fairy sandwich, pink mini mashmellows, rainbow cupcake

The cute toadstool
Fairy sandwich made with the sand wishes lunch punch

Special thanks go to 'lil Fairy Door for their great products and fun competition! Go and check out their facebook page to see their great products!! Will bring lots of fun and fairies to you house :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sealed with a loving kiss ❤

This week is Valentine's day so we thought we would share the love in Princess E's lunch box.

For breakfast Princess E enjoyed rice bubbles with a coco pop heart

Strawberry hearts, watermelon hearts, pink mini marshmallows, and love letter sandwich sealed with a dried mango heart.

Mini hot dog cut into a heart with a cupid arrow through it

and the ugly toad was lucky enough to find some chocolate coated strawberry hearts in his lunch box...

Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MICKEY MOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week Princess E was lucky enough to see Disney Live! We had a great family morning out! She wasn't real keen to start with but by the end of the show she was up dancing for the crowd! So this week she is having a Disney Lunch.
Mickey and Minnie dried apple slices, Minnie Oreo's, yoghurt ball,/fruit balls/fruity bites in yellow silicon mould, buzz and woody fruit stick and  Minnie sandwiches. 

Minnie and Mickey Oreo's (Thanks Aunty Cat for the idea!)

Disney Live!